Simple Silas

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Simple Silas
Title Simple Silas
Anthology The Good, The Bad, and the Uncanny: Tales of a Very Weird West
Published 2023
Length 18
[ Library link]

Simple Silas is a short story in the The Good, The Bad, and the Uncanny anthology, published in 2023. The anthology features science fiction and supernatural stories set in America's wild west.


Silas, a simple man with developmental issues, is constantly bullied by a neighboring ranch hand. He summons a demonic wolf. hoping the wolf will exact the revenge Silas wants, but the wolf instead gives Silas weapons that will help him do it himself. Silas visits the neighboring ranch and confronts his bullies. In the aftermath, Silas discovers nothing is for free, and the price for the wolf's help is not just his bully's toes.


  • Silas, a simple man who is bullied for his mental slowness
  • Malsum, a demonic wolf
  • Tripp,Alcott, a ranch hand who bullies Silas
  • Kevin Murph, a ranch hand who works with Tripp and is party to Silas' abuse
  • Daniel Dozier, a ranch hand who works with Tripp and is party to Silas' abuse
  • Tom Randklev, a ranch hand who works with Tripp but has never been mean to Silas. Tom and Silas had been friends when younger, but not since Tom came back from the Army.

Short Stories by Scott Sigler

A Glow in the Dark • Another Mother • Bag Man • The Case of the Haunted Safeway • The Case of the President of Hell • Chuckles Mulrooney, Attorney for the Damned • Complex God • Dale & Mabel • Dangerous Prey • Dead Man's Switch • Dear Diary • The Fifth Day of Deer Camp • Fifth Girl • The Final Blow • A Glow in the Dark • The Great Snipe Hunt • The Hate • Hero • The Hippo • The Hippo II • Iowa Typhoon • Introduction to "Plants and Animals" • Kissyman & Screamin' Jesse Dupre • Kissyman and the Succubus •  Kissyman & The Last Song •  Lady and the Wolf • The Last Child • The Laundry Demon • Little Murder Machine • The Love • Mister Double-M • Nosferatu, Brutus? • Number One With A Bullet • Passenger • Pink Torpedo • Plants and Animals • Public Domain • Puppet Master • Red Man  • Reunion • Sacred Cow • The Sadness & Joy • The Seventh Day of Deer Camp • The Sixth Day of Deer Camp • Simple Silas • Splashing Contest • Svart Hünd • The Third Guy • Those Gaddam Cookies • Throwdown • Vacation • Victim with a Capital V • The Wolf