The Last Child

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The Last Child
Title The Last Child
Anthology Wastelands III
Published 2019
Length 10 pages Library link

The Last Child is a short story that extends the Generations Trilogy. It was published in 2019 in the anthology Wastelands: The New Apocalypse.


During the final battle of Uchmal in Alone, Em Savage sent troops of fighters out from the city to engage the enemy as a delaying tactic. This allowed the time necessary for fuel to be synthesized so the Birthday Children could evacuate their home.

The Last Child is a story about one group of fighters as they struggle to return to the city in order to board the leaving troop ships and evacuate.


On August 25, 2018, the idea for a new story was solicited by from the members of the Sigler Junkies group on Facebook[1], when Scott Sigler asked for ideas to write for a new anthology focusing on an apocalypse.

In the meantime! I have another short story due. This one is about an apocalypse. Can be pre-, during or post-apocalypse. The anthology editors would love it if I did one from the Siglerverse.
So I ask you, Junkies, for any idea. What's a good "apocalypse" within the existing Siglerverse in which I could set a short story? I would likely use secondary characters or brand new characters. It can be anything, from the Kissyman Era, Modern Day Era (INFECTED, EARTHCORE, etc), Crypt Era or GFL Era.

Prizes of "free books" were awarded to the Junkies who provided the story idea. Winning Junkies were (in no particular order):

  • Daryl Delancy
  • Scott Clutter
  • Nathan Joslin
  • John Gunn
Trivia: When the story was originally submitted to the anthology editor, it was titled Abandoned. The story name was changed prior to publication.


Name Gender Caste Information
Oscar Vanev Male Service The story is told from his point-of-view
B. Bureau Male Service Armed with hatchet
Y. Pajari Female Service Mortally wounded from Abernessian mortar round
B. Marija Female Might Armed with Abernessian rifle and folding scythe
S. Eadburgh Unknown Unknown Killed by Abernessian bullet
J. Nikole Unknown Unknown Killed by Abernessian knife through the heart

See Also


  1. Sigler Junkies Facebook group thread'

Short Stories by Scott Sigler

A Glow in the Dark • Another Mother • Bag Man • The Case of the Haunted Safeway • The Case of the President of Hell • Chuckles Mulrooney, Attorney for the Damned • Complex God • Dale & Mabel • Dangerous Prey • Dead Man's Switch • Dear Diary • The Fifth Day of Deer Camp • Fifth Girl • The Final Blow • A Glow in the Dark • The Great Snipe Hunt • The Hate • Hero • The Hippo • The Hippo II • Iowa Typhoon • Introduction to "Plants and Animals" • Kissyman & Screamin' Jesse Dupre • Kissyman and the Succubus •  Kissyman & The Last Song •  Lady and the Wolf • The Last Child • The Laundry Demon • Little Murder Machine • The Love • Mister Double-M • Nosferatu, Brutus? • Number One With A Bullet • Passenger • Pink Torpedo • Plants and Animals • Public Domain • Puppet Master • Red Man  • Reunion • Sacred Cow • The Sadness & Joy • The Seventh Day of Deer Camp • The Sixth Day of Deer Camp • Simple Silas • Splashing Contest • Svart Hünd • The Third Guy • Those Gaddam Cookies • Throwdown • Vacation • Victim with a Capital V • The Wolf