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Infected Cover.jpg
Title Infected
Publisher Crown Publishing
Published April 1, 2008
Pages 400
ISBN 9780307406101
Podcasted 2006 Page

Infected is a thriller / science fiction novel by American author Scott Sigler. This hardcover novel was published by Crown Publishing on April 1, 2008. It is the first book in the Infected Trilogy.


Completed in 2006, this was the third podcast novel released by the author. The podcast version was originally released with the title Infection, but the moniker was changed to accommodate the hardcover print release by Crown Publishing (distrbuted on April 1, 2008). Rogue Pictures and Random House Films announced on May 31, 2007, that they purchased the film rights to the novel. Subsequently, the novel was renamed Infested, and then later, Infected, to avoid confusion with an upcoming and unrelated movie titled Infection.

The 2008 hardcover version of Infected sold over 5,000 copies in the first two weeks after it's April 1st release. Eventually, these stellar sales resulted in attaining 33rd place on the New York Time Best-Seller's list.


Perry Dawsey is 6-foot-5, 265 pounds of angry ex-linebacker. He knows all too well that if he doesn't control his quick temper, people get hurt. Through constant focus, he has locked his violent past away in the deep dungeons of his mind. The infection changes everything. Strange, microscopic parasites tap into Perry's bloodstream like tiny little vampires. The Triangles, as Perry calls them, try to control their host by manipulating hormone levels and flooding his body with neurotransmitters - imbalances of which cause paranoia, schizophrenia and excessive aggression. As Perry begins a desperate battle to cut the Triangles out of his body before it's too late, his self-control dissolves into raging, murderous madness.


Government Officials

Name Information Episodes Seen
Murray Longworth Deputy Director of the CIA Ep. 1
Margaret Montoya CDC Epidemiologist Ep. 1
Dew Phillips CIA Operative Ep. 1
Clarence Otto CIA Operative Ep. 1

Other Characters

Name Information Episodes Seen
Perry Dawsey Victim of the infection Ep. 1
Charlotte Wilson Victim of the infection Ep. 1
Bill Miller Ep. 1


Name Information Episodes Seen
The Triangles Unknown creature Ep. 1

Release Schedule

Infected has been translated into several languages. For a full listing, visit the Translations Page.


Cover Art Edition Country Release Date Site
Infected Cover.jpg
1st Ed. Hardcover United States April 1, 2008 U.S.
1st Ed. Paperback United States October 14, 2008 U.S.
1st Ed. Hardcover United Kingdom July 10, 2008
1st Ed. Hardcover Germany September 2008
Infected Greek.jpg
1st Ed. Greece June 2009
Infection FR.jpg
1st Ed. France July 2009


Cover Art Edition Country Release Date Site
Original Podcast Audio Release Worldwide (Internet) 2006 Refer to re-release
Infected Cover.jpg
2008 Podcast Audio Re-release Worldwide (Internet) February 29, 2008

Promotional Efforts

Book Trailer

There were two trailers created to spread the word about the book release:

Infected Book Tour

The book tour to promote the release of the novel Infected was affectionately termed the Sigler Stank Tour by author Scott Sigler. The following schedule chronicles the tour dates and locations.

Date Time City, State Location
2 Apr 2008 7:00pm Los Angeles, California Book Soup
4 Apr 2008 7:00pm Seattle, Washington Barnes & Noble Downtown
5 Apr 2008 3:00pm San Francisco, California Borderlands Books
9 Apr 2008 7:00pm New York City, New York Borders at Columbus Circle
11 Apr 2008 6:00pm Houston, TX Murder by the Book

Movie Developments

Rogue Pictures and Random House Films have optioned[1] to develop the novel Infected into a feature length film. In Oct 2008, Eric Bernt was chosen the screenwriter for the movie. Eric Bernt, a seasoned vet of the movie-making wars having written the screenplays for Virtuosity as well as movie adaptations for The Hitcher (2007) and The Echo (2008). Unfortunately, the option was allowed to expire in 2010.



FoudersChoice 2008.gif
2008 - Recipient of the Founder's Choice Award from
2010 - Finalist for the Parsec Award in Best Speculative Fiction Story (Long Form)


A host of well respected authors were kind enough to provide quotes in reference to the print version of Infected. Here is what they had to say:

"Part Stephen King, part Chuck Palahniuk, Infected blends science fiction and horror into a pulpy masterpiece of action, terror, and suspense. Three recommendations: don't read it at night, or just after you've eaten a full meal, or if you're weak of heart. You've been warned!"
--James Rollins, New York Times bestselling author of The Judas Strain and Black Order
"Sigler is masterful at grabbing the reader by the throat and refusing to let go. Just when I thought I knew what abyss he was leading me across, he knocked the bridge out from under... I think I screamed the whole way down... Infected is a marvel of gonzo, in-your-face, up-to-the-minute terror."
--Lincoln Child, New York Times bestselling author of Deep Storm and Death Match
"Sigler is the Richard Matheson of the 21st and creepy, Infected is a flawless thinking-person's thriller. Bravo to a bold new talent!"
--Jonathan Maberry, Bram Stoker Award-winning author of Patient Zero, Bad Moon Rising and Ghost Road Blues
"Horror mavens rejoice! Infected is a revelation -- a novel that lives up to its hype. From page one, the story of a mysterious smart-virus that turns its hosts into deadly drooling drones creeps up on a reader like the ratchet of a roller coaster climbing toward its inevitable crest. Sigler brings the folksy character detail of Stephen King, the conceptual panache of Clive Barker, and the oozing, shuddery pathologies of a David Cronenberg movie. Zombies, spies, conspiracies, and gallons of goo make this the fastest read in the west! Highest recommendation!"
-- Jay Bonansinga, national bestselling author of Shattered, Twisted, Frozen, and The Sinking of the Eastland
"Sigler has a unique talent for keeping readers on the edge of their seats; I absolutely had to know what was going to happen next. Infected is full of mayhem, action, and gore--and you won't be able to put it down."
-- Dave Wellington, author of 13 Bullets and the Monster Island trilogy
"Scott Sigler's Infected is a bucking pulp pony that throws you this way and that, and just when you think you've got your balance, that ole pony bucks the other way. All in all, one hell of an exhilarating ride, and highly recommended."
--Joe R. Lansdale, World Horror Convention Grand Master and six-time Bram Stoker Award-winning author of Bubba Ho-Tep and Lost Echoes

Theme Music

The 2008 re-released podcast version of Infected used the song Waking in White Lights by the band Uncrowned. For a comprehensive list of music used in the podcast versions of Scott's works, refer to the Theme Music page.

Episode Downloads

Episode Number Download Link Podcast Date
Episode 1 Download March 3, 2008
Episode 2 Download March 10, 2008
Episode 3 Download March 17, 2008
Episode 4 Download March 25, 2008
Episode 5 Download April 7, 2008
Episode 6 Download April 14, 2008
Episode 7 Download April 21, 2008
Episode 8 Download May 4, 2008
Episode 9 Download May 13, 2008
Episode 10 Download May 19, 2008
Episode 11 Download June 5, 2008
Episode 12 Download June 9, 2008
Episode 13 Download June 22, 2008
Episode 14 Download July 17, 2008
Episode 15 Download August 20, 2008
Episode 16 Download August 7, 2008
Episode 17 Download August 22, 2008
Episode 18 Download August 27, 2008
Episode 19 Download September 1, 2008
Episode 20 Download September 12, 2008
Episode 21 Download September 19, 2008
Episode 22 Download September 27, 2008
Episode 23 Download October 24, 2008

See Also



External Links

Novels by Scott Sigler

Aliens: Phalanx • Alive • Alight • Alone • EarthCore • Mount Fitz Roy • Ancestor • Descendant • Infected • Contagious • Pandemic • The Rookie • The Starter • The All-Pro  • The MVP • The Champion • The Gangster • The Crypt • Nocturnal