Teddy Two-Fingers

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Teddy Two-Fingers.png

Teddy "Two-Fingers" Trevino is a criminal and noted kidnapper. He has kidnapped dozens of enlightened children. Occasionally he will ransom these children for high sums, but most often he puts them to work in "filament factories" where they are required to help mentally torture purblind children to produce specific strains of filament, which Teddy sells off to weavers.

Teddy kidnapped Lincoln's son, Sam.

Personal Life

Teddy's great-grandfather served Kaiser Wilhelm II in the first World War as a darkmesh mage, then made a fortune supplying German U-boats. In WWII, His daughter (Teddy's grandmother) continued the family business but was smart enough to get out of Germany before troubles began. She was assisted by the US government, which was eager to learn about German U-boats, and they settled her in Detroit, where Teddy's mother was born.

Teddy's grandmother died several years later, when Teddy's mother was a teenager. When the White Flight began in Detroit, Teddy's mother relocated them to Lumencia. Teddy was only a few months old.

For Teddy's seventh birthday, she disowned him, saying he was too spoiled and needed to learn how to make it on his own. He was placed in an orphanage in Burlington, Vermont. In the orphanage, Teddy learned of his magic ability as a Naturalis, and suffered physical emotional, psychological and sexual abuse. Teddy's mother died a year before the orphanage closed, throwing Teddy into the foster care system. By the time he was sixteen, he had learned he excelled at three things - how to play guitar, how to manipulate others, and how to hurt people.



He was born as "Theodore Trevino." When he started playing in rock bands, he went by "Teddybear Travino."

Missing Fingers

Teddy lost the index and middle fingers of his right hand in a sword fight with Lincoln Franks.


Walter WA 2000. YouTube video of same weapon.

Teddy’s Kidnapping Business

Teddy kidnaps enlightened children. He keeps them in his hidden dungeon and infects them with Dreamgaunt, creatures from The Shelf that infect minds, create terrifying nightmares, and feed on the energy of terror.

The nightmares produce powerful emotions of fear, desperation, hopelessness, etc. Teddy’s operation harvests the filaments created by those emotions and sells them to weavers.

Teddy's "Line Workers"

  • Jie Yong Wu (blood magic)
  • Rosa Espíndola Braz (turns into a tiger)
  • Mata Kasintseva (storm magic)
  • Antoni Piotrowski (stone magic)
  • Penda Balogun (metal)