The Bastion

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The Bastion is a monster-hunting organization.

Bastion Organizational Structure

Title Purpose Nickname Clothing Color
Warrior Classes
Rixators The "fighter" class of the Bastion. Rixator is a bastardization of the the Latin word "rixor," which means "brawler." rixie/rixies slate gray
Adjurators The "sorcerer" class of the Bastion. Adjurator is an alternate version of "adiūrātor," Latin for a sorcerer or practitioner of magic. juros burgundy
Monachi A higher category of Bastion warrior that has both rixator and adjurator abilities. Monachi are skilled fighters but not as good as Rixators, and skilled at magic but not as skilled as adjurators. monk/monks Black
Adminsitrative Classes
Quaestor (KWES-tor) Day to day manager of various Bastion business. admins brown
Vilicus (VIL-eh-cuss) Higher-level manager with quaestors as direct reports. A supervisory position, as in, "you are not my vilicus!" The Vilicus Council is a body that votes on the Clostator and the line of scuccessoin. quay/manager brown
Tertius Third in line to be the Bastion's highest-ranking official. In SLAY1, this is Shaheem Khalil brown cassock with white sash
Clostasecundo Second in line to be the Bastion's highest-ranking official In SLAY1, this is Basil Beverly. secundo brown cassock with red sash
Clostator The Bastion's highest-ranking official, akin to a pope of the Roman Catholic Church. In SLAY1, this is Juanita Socorro. ochre cassock

Bastion Symbol

Bastion Symbol.png

The Avorodhatta (uh-VAR-oh-DAH-tah), the symbol of the bastion. The octagon represents both the octagonal towers at the Bastion Fortress's corners, and the eight legs of the jorogumo species, which the Bastion originally formed to fight against.

Bastion Mantra

Together, we are the armor that protects the just, we are the weapons that slay the wicked. This is all we need, this is all we want, this is all we are.

Bastion Slogan

Vastator aranearum. It meants “destroyer of spiders.”

Former Clostators

  • Akamu Kapono, predecessor of Juanita Socorro.

Bastion Fortress

Located in Cords, the Bastion Fortress is a medieval stone castle-fortress that houses the organization.


From SLAY 2: HATCHET MAN: No delicate features and details here, no sir. The rectangular Bastion was devoid of such fragilities. Four plain, gray stone walls anchored at the corners by four plain. octagonal gray towers. The main gate, open, with portcullis raise. The eighty-foot-tall, twenty-foot-thick walls held storage, some offices, and lodging for the poverty-vowed rixators, adjurators, monachi, and low-level administrators. Behind those walls, taller than the hundred-foot-tall towers, rose the blocky, bulky keep — where the real business of the Bastion got done.

Key Structural Elements

  • Courtyard: Just inside the main gates is a wide flagstone area where rixators-in-training do drills and hand-to-hand sparring.
  • Gaol: A dark, dank prison located beneath the fortress.
  • Ceremonial Circle: A central area for ceremonies and events. The "circle" is actually an octagon-shaped stone floor with stone bleachers rising up on all sides. It seats about 1,000 people when full.