Patrick O'Doyle

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Patrick O'Doyle is a fictional character appearing in the novels EarthCore, Ancestor and the upcoming Mount Fitz Roy, written by author Scott Sigler.

Early Life

Patrick O'Doyle was an orphan and never really knew his parents. O'Doyle grew up in foster care and was quite unremarkable at school and sports,but upon graduating he took the only out he had and enlisted in the United States Marine Corps. Through the service he finally had direction to his life and an outlet for his anger and energy that school and wrestling could never give. O'Doyle reveled in his training. He excelled in hand to hand combat and weapons training and after boot camp; was deployed 3 different times with 27 confirmed kills.

Military Career

After 8 years in, O'Doyle was ready to re-up for a third time when he was recruited by Murray Longworth to do "gray work" for him. Murray had Patrick O'Doyle erased. O'Doyle spent the next 11 years killing all over the world. He would be dropped into a country and eliminate what ever target he was tasked with through means of jungle work or urban penetration, his specialties. On three separate occasions Murray had asked him to volunteer for missions that held no certainty of returning and Patrick O'Doyle had accepted them all. On his last mission of the three he was captured. O'Doyle was questioned and tortured. After his captures burned his ear off; mass confusion and a drone strike gave him the opportunity to escape. When O'Doyle returned Murray was no longer able to use him as a front man for the jobs O'Doyle had been doing for over a decade because his scared face no longer allowed him to blend in. This lead Murray to place him in the Department of Special Threats. Little is known about O'Doyle's time in the DST, but we know he was active during the events of Ancestor[1] being present on Black Manitou island and Pandemic seeing as how Murray Longworth told Colonel Paul Fischer (Ancestor) to recruit him for the DST. It is also eluded to in Earthcore that because of budget cuts; he was released from service shortly after the events of Pandemic.

Flag decorations

As a young man, O'Doyle decided to add tattoos to his body for each country in which he killed a person[2]. Following is a list of the countries tattooed on his back, and their approximate location on his body.

Country Tattoo Location
Brazil Right arm
France Right arm
Iraq Right arm
South Korea Right arm
Argentina Left bicep
Kuwait Left arm
Saudi Arabia Left arm
Egypt Left arm
Turkey Back
Australia Back
Russia Back
Colombia Back
Algeria Back
Afghanistan Back
Pakistan Back
Libya Back

There are other tattoos that have not been specified.

Depression and Purpose

O'Doyles' return to civilian life was met with crushing depression and indignity. He had found himself without direction for the first time since graduating high school and the only jobs he could seem to get where bagging groceries and mopping floors; a far cry from what his country had trained him for. Patrick O'Doyle was a man without a purpose and was quickly coming to the decision that eating a bullet was far more preferable than living the way he did, but fate was not yet through with O'Doyle and intervened by way of Kayla Meyers. Kayla Meyers, by need of Connell Kirkland, had unearthed most of O'Doyle's service records in order to supply Kirkland with a top notch security officer for the mining company EarthCore Corporation. This knock out blonde showed up at O'Doyle's one room apartment with a ticket and a message, "If you want work,real work, go meet this man Connell Kirkland at Earthcore in Denver." After a 15 minute meeting, Kirkland hired O'Doyle on the spot. Kirkland gave him what he had been missing; structure, pride, and literally saved his life. As EarthCore's Security Chief, O'Doyle, with help of Cho Takachi and "Farm Girl" Kayla Meyers, eliminated three security leaks within the company. He beefed up the security force and helped usher in a new era of prosperity for EarthCore.

Funeral Mountain (The Wah Wah Mountain Range Massacre)


  1. Ancestor, p. 154
  2. Earthcore, p. 313

See Also