Reverend Brandau

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Ezekiel Brandau
Book(s) Perish, MI
Introduced Perish, MI: S1E1
Gender Male
Age unknown
Occupation retired reverend of Day of Ascension Church
Fan Name
Height 5-7
Weight 145 pounds
Hair bald, with gray hair around the temples

Maurice Lucien Brandau lives on Carpenter Street in a house painted all black. He was once in charge of the Day of Ascension Church.




The Brandau's are one of the founding families of Perish, first arriving in the area in 1698.


Identifying Mannerisms

  • "I do so love to make people happy."
  • Some people say he smells of hamburger,.

Perish Connections

  • The Brandaus and the Carpenters have a family feud going back 200 years,.

Also See

  • x x = connections to anything outside of Perish.