Generations Trilogy

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The Generations Trilogy
ALONE-HC Cover.png

The Generations Trilogy is a three book series of Scott Sigler novels starting with Alive, continuing with Alight, and closing with Alone. The Last Child is a short story set after the conclusion of Alone, and was first published in 2019 in the anthology Wastelands: The New Apocalypse. The Generations Trilogy follows Em Savage as she struggles to keep herself and the Birthday Children alive through a series of ever-growing mysteries about the environment in which they find themselves.

Stories in the Series

  1. Alive
  2. Alight
  3. Alone
  4. The Last Child
Stories in the Generations Era
Story Year Story Name Publication Year
3887 Alive 2015
3887 Alight 2016
3888 Alone 2017
3888 The Last Child 2019

Novels by Scott Sigler

Aliens: Phalanx • Alive • Alight • Alone • EarthCore • Mount Fitz Roy • Ancestor • Descendant • Infected • Contagious • Pandemic • The Rookie • The Starter • The All-Pro  • The MVP • The Champion • The Gangster • The Crypt • Nocturnal