Francis Dominic Olivieri

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Francis Dominic Olivieri at SiglerFest 2011

Francis Dominic Olivieri is the self described "cousin" of author Scott Sigler. In truth, however, he is truly a distinct and complex identity within the arsenal of Scott Sigler’s multifaceted personality.


Although frequently mistaken for the celebrity author Scott Sigler, Francis Dominic Olivieri is indeed just one of the intense personalities within the author. When Tuaca is nearby, he becomes the dominant personality that controls Sigler’s behavior and from time to time will do so to the exclusion of the other personalities. Confusion between Future Dark OverlordScott Sigler and Francis Dominic Olivieri is understandable, as Olivieri likes to use his initials FDO as a moniker as well.

Getting Pissed

Francis Dominic Olivieri serves as the host of the talk podcast, Getting Pissed with the FDO. It was started shortly after his release from the Witness Protection Program with the help of his "cousin", Scott Sigler. The basic format of the program is that Francis asks a question of his guest and for each question asked, the Shot Slut™ provides a shot of Tuaca. This is an adult program that centers around Tuaca, guests and good conversation.

Episode Downloads

WARNING: These episodes are NOT appropriate children and work environments

Download Link Podcast Date Guest Shot Slut™
Download June 5, 2009 J.C. Hutchins Mur Lafferty
Download July 3, 2009 Earl Newton George Hrab
Download May 14, 2010 John Cmar Jennifer Hathorn
Download September 24, 2010 Pablo Defendini and Amy Greco from Mur Lafferty
Download October 22, 2010 Director of Doom A Kovacs Donna Mugavero


Francis Dominic Olivieri attended SiglerFest 2011 where he hosted an episode of his talk podcast, Getting Pissed with the FDO. His guest of honor was Evo Terra with the lovely Sheila Dee as the Shot Slut™ in charge of the Tuaca bottle.

Francis was not officially invited to SiglerFest 2012 but as it was held in Las Vegas, Nevada, he could not help himself and made an appearance at the bowling event.

See Also

External links